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Good luck in a sentence

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Sentence count:247+8Posted:2017-05-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bad luckgoodlygoody-goodypoodlewoodlandluckluckypluckMeaning: n. 1. an auspicious state resulting from favorable outcomes 2. a stroke of luck 3. an unexpected piece of good luck. 
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151. This is how I turn bad luck into good luck.
152. Therefore, it was a common belief that an old boot was a good luck charm.
153. If in good luck word, perhaps can discover in these two places a few gadgety .
154. We declared that the wooden horse would bring good luck to the Trojans.
155. This one is called "Come Around", and if you're trying to count the time signature, good luck with that!
156. Bloodshot: good luck to your guild, whats is called again?
157. Formerly, reach an is very beautiful legend. The butterfly is a cherubic incarnation, and be our fall at the body that you, and can take your good luck.
158. In the eyes of the Miao, the dragon is a symbol of good luck.
159. Tom: [ shooing the bear cub away ] Good luck , fella.
160. Boston Celtics The NBA champs deserve the inaugural top spot. But they'll miss good luck charm James Posey.
161. Especially, it is a big new broom will not move, move will say good luck out.
162. Jiangsu province promotes structural adjustment as economy as much again good luck.
163. Remain youth, happy good luck, happy peace and health, the spirit delectation.
164. Good luck and God bless you wherever you stray, The world for me ended at mail call today.
165. More by good luck than good management I turned sideways.
166. Before he knows it, Charlie's reputation as a "good luck charm" has women - from sexy strangers to his overweight receptionist - lining up for a quickie .
167. Silver bar relief "peony flowers on the back, drawing" implicate wealth and good luck.
168. So if you're trying to invent a product or service that requires the rest of the industry to put a hole out there for you to fill, good luck.
169. Godliman said, " He wishes you both good luck and Godspeed. "
170. New challenge and good luck: Intellectual economy moustache is firm " intellectual economy " it is this year " two meetings " one of new terms with use extremely high frequency .
171. Another big blue stone, the Hope Diamond, was not good luck for French royals.
172. And if you own a gas guzzler already, good luck.
173. Face new round development good luck, the leader cadre have one's head screwed on the right way of which place, the job is active, can opportunity of race to control, preferential development.
174. Good luck, and Godspeed.
175. Ternate Bridges are propitious symbols in the eyes of the local residents and they walk over them for good luck during wedding or birthday parties.
176. We will have to confirm on the pitch that we deserved the good luck we had today.
177. Mr Bolton is a talented stock - picker, but he does not speak Chinese. Good luck to him. ...
178. Bolivians who keep close relatives' skulls at home as a macabre talisman flock to the cemetery chapel once a year to have the craniums blessed and to bring themselves good luck in the future.
179. When we complain life and society does not give yourself good luck, in fact it is our own laches life, has neglected the side of some slight or certain process.
180. New Year's gift money for children is still prevalent nowadays. Parents want to bring the best wishes and good luck through giving the New Year's gift money to children.
More similar words: bad luckgoodlygoody-goodypoodlewoodlandluckluckypluckpluckyin luckunluckyluckilypluck upout of luckgoodgoodsgoodygood forfor goodhappy-go-luckygoodmangood daygood-byegoodwillmake gooda good jobgoodnessgood namebe good atas good as
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